Dev Diary: My React, Redux & React Router Setup.

Note: This post is not meant to be about the inner workings of React, Redux or React-Router. This is a post detailing my experiences & understanding in creating an app using all 3 libraries, the problems I faced while doing it & how I got around them.

Some background info on me, professionally I am a backend developer who primarily works with Java. I have worked with Apache Wicket for a long time. For those who don’t know Wicket is a web framework for Java with components at its center. So when I wanted to learn a JavaScript frontend library/framework, I chose React as it was similar to Wicket in terms of creating components and composing them to create views while being lightweight enough that it was easy to learn in isolation.

V1: Just React

To start learning React, I made Snooplay: A media player for Reddit. The first version of Snooplay was very simple, it just used React, no routing & no state management. You can checkout the code for v1 here.

V2: React meets Router & Redux

In order to extend my knowledge to Redux, Middlewares & React Router, I decided to extend Snooplay with the following goals —

  • The state for the entire app should be stored & managed via Redux.

  • The user should be able to change subreddits by altering the URL. eg: snooplay/r/movies. Routing to be handled by React-Router.

  • Create the boiler plate using create-react-app

  • All styling should be done via SASS/SCSS and compilation of the same has to be done via Webpack.

Now that we know, what our goals are, lets get started. Here is some information on important packages —

  • React: v15.6.1

  • Redux: v3.7.2

  • React-Redux: v5.0.6 (Package that helps connect react components with redux stores)

  • React-Router: v4.1.2

  • Redux-thunk: v2.2.0

You can checkout the full package.json file here.

Step 1: Create the app boiler plate.

We will create the structure of the app by using Facebook’s create-react-app (CRA) tool. After your install CRA, go to your terminal and type the following command —

create-react-app <app_name>

create-react-app is a utility that creates a pre-configured project with Webpack & Babel and other tools. This was made to get over the configuration issues that people usually face while wiring up different tools together.

This process can take some time, once it finishes you can cd into the directory and type npm start This would open your browser and you should be able to see the React App.

The entry point for the app is index.js which then renders the <App /> component from app.js .

Step 2: Installing the libraries

Now we need to install our essential libraries i.e. React-Router & Redux.

npm install --save redux react-router

Both React-Router & Redux are very modular libraries. For example, React-Router can also be used in React-Native projects, whereas Redux has no direct connection with React. To make it easy to use these libraries we will install 2 more libs.

  • react-router-dom: Contains react components to be used in web projects.

  • react-redux: Helps connect our components with redux, thus making it easy to read & change state from React components.

    npm install —save react-router-dom react-redux

Step 3: SCSS Integration

This step was very tricky, with many resources on the web. Some worked with Webpack 1 & not with Webpack 2 while some refused to work at all.

npm install --save-dev css-loader extract-text-webpack-plugin node-sass sass-loader

Before we update our webpack configs, we need to *eject *our project. Eject basically means that we will now take care of the webpack & other config instead of just working with what create-react-app gives us. To eject the project just run the following command —

npm run eject

After this process is completed, you will find a config folder which would contain 2 webpack files, one is _& other is * *As you might have guessed, the dev file your devlopment profile (used when you do npm start ) and the prod file is your production profile that performs optimizations before creating a deployment bundle (run npm run build )

Now in our we will configure the extract-text-webpack-plugin to handle the scss files.

3.1) Get the extract — text plugin in the file.

const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');

Also declare the CSS file name -

const cssFilename = 'static/css/[name].[contenthash:8].css';

3.2) Configure rules

In the module.exports object, find the module property. In the rules array you need to find the following section —

// "oneOf" will traverse all following loaders until one will                               // match the requirements. When no loader matches it will fall                               // back to the "file" loader at the end of the loader list.                               oneOf: [

Here add the config to process scss files using appropriate loaders.

test: /\.scss$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(['css-loader', 'sass-loader'])                                 },

Note: Several examples on the internet use the loaders syntax, but that is deprecated.

Also, you should comment out the css loader that is pre-configured in the file.

Step 4: Redux & Redux-Thunk

Before going forward here, I would like to mention 2 resources that helped me greatly in understanding Redux & Thunks.

  1. Stephen Grider’s Modern React with Redux course on Udemy. Check it out here —

  2. Matt Stow’s Dummy’s Guide to Redux & Thunk. Check it out here-

An introduction to the various terms you are going to see moving forward in reference to Redux.

  • **State: **State refers to the data of the application that we store in Redux. Redux creates this one big JavaScript object to store all the state of the application. State can only be updated by Reducers.

  • **Reducers: **Reducers are plain JavaScript functions that are responsible for updating the state of the application. Each reducer is responsible for updating one part of the application state.

  • Actions: An action is basically an object that describes an event that would result in a change in state. Each action has type property which helps reducers in deciding if they have to respond to this action or not. Function that return actions are called action creators.

  • **Redux-Thunk: **Action creators usually returns a plain JavaScript object. Redux-Thunk allows you to return functions instead of objects. These functions recieve dispatch & getState store functions which allow you to further call actions from inside the function. Example of such action creator —

Example of using Redux-Thunk

Step 5: Creating our store and using Redux.

I would like to outline the process that I used to create my store.

  • Design the app state on paper or as a JavaScript object in any text editor.

  • Create reducers for each property. At this step all reducers simply returned the state without any other process.

  • Bind reducer & properties. This is how the state for Snooplay looks

    //As you can see, each property is assigned a reducer. const rootReducer = combineReducers({ currentPost: ReducerCurrentPost,
    posts: ReducerFetchPosts, subs: ReducerFetchSubreddits,
    currentSub: ReducerCurrentSubreddit, loaderVisible: ReducerLoadingState, notification: ReducerNotification, lastPostId: ReducerLastPost });

  • To provide the state to the entire application, you need to wrap your components with Provider component provided by react-redux package.

  • Now that we have linked our properties with our reducers, I would like to point out that in our reducer functions, the _state property refers to the value of the property only and not the entire state_. For example, here is my ReducerCurrentPost-

    // here the state is the value of ‘currentPost’ property of the app // state and not the entire state. export default function currentPostReducer(state = null, action) {


  • **Actions & Action Creators. **As described earlier the action is simply a JS object with a type field. Any data that has to be sent to the reducer can be sent as the payload property of the action. Here is what the action creator to set the current post look like-

    //This is an action creator, returns an action with a type and //payload. export const setCurrentPost = (post) => { return { type: ACTION_CURRENT_POST, payload: post } }

When this action is dispatched (called) like setCurrentPost(post) redux sends this action to all reducers. The the current post reducer can respond like-

import { ACTION_CURRENT_POST } from './../Constants';

export default function currentPostReducer(state = null, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
    //This reducer checks the current action type
    //Returns the post (payload)
    //This post is updated in the state
        return action.payload
      default: {
        return state;

Next, we want our components to update when the associated state is changed. So lets say we have a component which displays the current post. When the reducer updates the current post in the state, we want this component to re-render to show the new post. This is where the connect method from the react-redux library comes into play. It connects the react components with its associated state.

Note: In react world, components which work directly with the store are called Container Components and components which work only on the given props (irrespective of where the props are supplied from) are called Presentation Components.

This is what my PostContainer component looks like. It is directly connected to the store —

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { setCurrentPost } from './../../actions/';

class PostContainer extends Component {

function mapStateToProps(state){
    return {
      post: state.currentPost

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch){
    return {
        closePlayer: bindActionCreators(setCurrentPost, dispatch)

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)PostContainer);

So whats happening here?

Here we create a Component that has to render some details about the current post of the application.

  • mapStateToProps is responsible for taking the entire application state and then getting out the relevant pieces needed to render the current component. These pieces are then provided to the components as props
    In the above example the currentPost property of the application state is accessed using the standard props mechanism.

  • mapDispatchToProps is used to call actions from inside the component. In the above example, I use the setCurrentPostaction to close the player. you can call the setCurrentPost action by calling this.props.actions.closePlayer(null) .

  • In the end we use connectto wire all these together. Now whenever the currentPost property is updated in the state, PostContainer will be updated to reflect this change.

Note: if you are wondering why to use mapDispatchToProps — Readthis StackOverflow answer

After this you can setup React-Router. There are many great examples/guides on how to do this. Just note that do not follow a react-router v3 guide if you are working with v4 as v4 is a complete re-write.

React Router setup was a breeze, one thing that bugged me was navigating to paths programmatically. To do this in v4, I have used the withRouter Component from react-router-dom package. This is what it looks like —

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'

class SubmitLink extends Component {

    handleClick = () => {
      if (this.props.onClick()) {

    render() {
      return (
       <a onClick={this.handleClick} className="button">   {this.props.label}</a>)

const NavigableSubmitLink = withRouter(SubmitLink);

export default NavigableSubmitLink;

This component first calls the onClick property, if that function returns true, then it calls the navigateTo function which returns the new path that it has to go to after computation. Using withRouter gives us access to updated match, location, and history props.

Ending Notes —

  • The real documentation is in the issues: In the Java world, we have Java Docs & where they don’t help StackOverflow steps in. But in the JS world, most problems I ran into were solved somewhere in GitHub issues. So if you run into problems, don’t skip the GitHub issues.

  • In the Udemy course linked above, they use react-promise middleware, but here I use react-thunk middleware even for Ajax calls. That’s just a personal preference because I prefer less magic in my code :)

That’s the end of this article, I have tried to explain all the problems I faced and how I overcome them. If you want to more detailed explanations of React, Redux & Redux-Thunk, look at the resources I have linked above.